Mrs. Varner's class blog.

I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service.
I acted and behold, service was joy.
~Rabindranath Tagore

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Day 107

Sorry I have not been so good the last few days on getting my daily records in by 4pm. I have had busy week.

Here is what we learned today:

AM/PM: We are trying to finish up our guided reading books. We are also finishing up our bookmarks that mark the words that we found while reading. These words are words that we didn't know but found the definition by using context clues in the story.

Writing: Today we stared our new unit on Poetry. We are going to be studying different types of poems and their formats. Then we will be making our own books with our own poem. All students are going to have to memorize their favorite poem to recite to the class in a few weeks. We will pick these out by the end of the week.

Math: Today we took a quiz and discussed the answers. Then, we took the test for the math unit 6 on graphing. Everyone did very well. I was VERY pleased with the scores.

We also started our new unit 7 on pre-algebra. Today we learned what an exponent and variable was. There was homework on this.

Read from Redwall (we are almost done with this book).

Science: Today we watched a movie about Evolution. We also talked about Specialized Structures. We are almost done with our science unit. There were be a test on this next week.

Math: HW#1 in algebra using exponents and varibles. The students are allowed to use their calculators on their homework.
Writing: Write 10 Haiku's and then pick which one is your favorite.

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