Mrs. Varner's class blog.

I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service.
I acted and behold, service was joy.
~Rabindranath Tagore

Monday, March 19, 2012

Day 124

AM/PM--Spelling pretest #27 This weeks focus is on prefixes im- , in- , pre- , and un-
(bonus words: inalienable and preamble)

Writing: We looked over our topics and pick the one that was our favorite. We also filled out our KWL chart. This is a graphic organizer that helps us to know what do we Know, what do we Want to know and then what we Learned. We will do research on our topic tomorrow in the library.

Math: We went over the word problems on our homework. I answered any question that we had and then we practiced a bit more on making sure that our equation matches the question in the word problem.

Family Meeting: We watched a video called "The Push" It is a video about a young baby eagle that learns that in order to soar like an eagle is supposed to, it must first have the courage to take that first leap out of the nest. This was to let us know that if we want to do great things, we need to learn to conquer our fears.

Social studies: We started our next unit on War of 1812 and the westward expansion. Today we talked about the situation in Europe during the early 1800s (French Revolution, execution of King Louis and Marie Antoinette and Napoleon Bonaparte trying to take over the world including England).

Assembly: Final Battle of the Books competition.

Math: Yellow w/s #6
spelling packet #27

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