Mrs. Varner's class blog.

I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service.
I acted and behold, service was joy.
~Rabindranath Tagore

Friday, March 16, 2012

Day 123

AM/PM--Buddy Reading, Spelling test, Guided reading
writing: Today we started our new unit: writing non-fiction books. We looked at examples of students I had in the past. Students received a writing folder that includes all of the things they will need to make their books. We then brainstormed some ideas of what we will want to write about and then shared them with a peer. Students had to write a basic outline on a graphic organizer. They had to pick at least 3 topics. If they didn't finish this up in class, then they will have to finish it up for homework.

Math: We worked more on word problems. I emphasized the importance of making sure that they wrote an equation that matches what the words are saying. For example, if it says I had some eggs and I added 3 to it, I would have 5 eggs. How many eggs did I start with. Because the problem says "added" than the equation should be written as an addition problem with a variable. e + 3 = 5 and NOT 5 - 3 = 2. REMEMBER, I am more interested that you know how to write an equation that will match the problem rather than just the answer.

Read aloud

Science: chemical change with Ms. Despain.

Fun Friday.

Read--finish up your fiction book as soon as you can. Don't forget your bookmark.
Writing: Finish up your graphic organizer or ideas. REMEMBER--you need at least 3 topics and all the columns need to be filled out.

Math: yellow worksheet on word problem. Remember to write an equation that matches the problem and don't just give me an answer.

ALSO--you can still order books on scholastic if you want.
The website is and the code is J2DRP

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